
在PLC无源芯片方面,承担了研发项目“无源光电子材料与器件研究”和引领专项“高速数据中心光互连芯片研发及产业化”,开展了石英基、硅基二氧化硅AWG芯片关键技术研究,研制出4通道、O波段CWDM、LAN AWG芯片,解决了小尺寸、平坦宽带响应设计及工艺中互溶回流退火关键问题,通过了英特尔、索尔思及AOI等认证。




Researchers employed the CTDE in two scenarios, predictions with baseline dataset and predictions with longitudinal dataset, to predict the scores with the dataset obtained from ADNI (Alzheimer’s disease Neuroimaging Initiative) database. 

The results demonstrated that the combination of correntropy regularized joint learning and DPN promoted the advantages of each other in the sense of increasing the prediction accuracy and discovering AD biomarkers. 

The comparisons experiment between the CTDE and state-of-the-art methods showed that the proposed CTDE model achieved the best performance. 

"One key advantage of our framework is that we utilized all the previous time points dataset to obtain the predicted scores at the next time point, which can improve the score prediction’s accuracy,” said Prof. WANG Shuqiang, “but still, other relevant clinical details, such as gender, education level and physiological factors of AD were not taken into account in this experiments. For further improving the clinical scores prediction performance, we will try to conduct more sophisticated feature selection and encoding methods in the next step.” 

The study has published in Pattern Recognition.